VOLUME 12, ISSUE 14 / JULY 2020
JULY 2020
UHPLC–MS/MS method for iohexol determination in human EDTA and lithium-heparin plasma, human urine and in goat- and pig EDTA plasma
- Jasper Stevens
- Mireille A Wessels,
- Jan Roggeveld,
- Remco A Koster
- Claire CJ Dekkers
- Maaike K van Gelder,
- Ron T Gansevoort,
- Hiddo JL Heerspink
- Daan J Touw
- Pages:981–990
- Published Online:22 July 2020
JULY 2020
Developing an isotope dilution UHPLC–MS/MS method to quantify linezolid in human plasma: application to therapeutic drug monitoring
- Yanping Guan,
- Xiaoxia Yu,
- Ying Wang,
- Qinhai Li,
- Dan Liang,
- Hua Zhu,
- Chuxiong Chen,
- Boyu Dong,
- Jiebin Ou,
- Kaifeng Qiu &
- Junyan Wu
- Pages:991–1001
- Published Online:22 July 2020
Research Article
JULY 2020
Optimization and validation of a microcolony multiplexed opsonophagocytic killing assay for 15 pneumococcal serotypes
- Katrina M Nolan
- Marie E Bonhomme,
- Christina J Schier,
- Tina Green,
- Joseph M Antonello &
- Rocio D Murphy
- Pages:1003–1020
- Published Online:20 July 2020
Bioanalytical Challenge
JULY 2020
Toward comparability of anti-drug antibody assays: is the amount of anti-drug antibody–reagent complexes at cut-point (CP-ARC) the missing piece?
- Gregor Jordan &
- Roland F Staack
- Pages:1021–1031
- Published Online:7 July 2020
White Paper
JULY 2020
Improving data integrity in regulated bioanalysis: proposal for a generic data transfer process for LC–MS from the European Bioanalysis Forum
- Cecilia Arfvidsson,
- David Van Bedaf,
- Susanne Globig,
- Magnus Knutsson,
- Mark Lewis,
- Stuart McDougall,
- Marco Michi &
- Philip Timmerman
- Pages:1033–1038
- Published Online:24 July 2020