Assess the frequency of different gynaecological cancers among females presenting in a tertiary care hospital
1Dr Shaista, 2Dr Sadia Aftab, 3Dr Tahreem Sehar, 4Dr Amna Shaukat, 5Dr Shafaq Mehmood, 6Dr Iqra Akram
1Senior registrar, Gyne and obs, Kuwait Hospital)
2Assistant professor,MCH centre, PIMS)
3Medical officer, MCH centre, PIMS)
4Medical officer, MCH centre, PIMS)
5Medical officer, GYNE AND OBS, Wah general hospital)
6Medical officer, MCH Centre, PIMS
Background: Gynaecologic cancer is any cancer that starts in a woman’s reproductive organs. It results in abnormal cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. It is due to the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Cancer screening tests are effective when they can find disease early, which can lead to more effective treatment. Cancer has very negative impact on the life of people. Quality of life of females who develop different types of gynaecological cancers is found to be very poor. But no local evidence was found in literature. So, we conducted this study by using EORTC-QLQ scoring system in females presenting with different gynaecologic cancers.
To assess the frequency of different gynecological cancers among females presenting in a tertiary care hospital
To measure the mean score of Quality of life by using EORTC-QLQ scoring system in females presenting with different gyn ecologic cancers.
Material & Methods
This present cross-sectional study was conducted at Unit II, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, PIMS Islamabad. This was conducted after the six months of approval of synopsis. The non-Probability, Consecutive Sampling was used in this study. Informed consent was obtained to use their data for research purpose. Demographic data (name, age, parity, duration of symptoms) was obtained. Medical record was obtained to note the type of gynecological cancer i.e. endometrial, cervical, ovaries or valvular. Then females underwent face to face interview using EORTC –QLQ C30 quality of index questionnaire. Each question was asked, and score was noted. All this information was recorded in Proforma. Effect modifiers like age, duration of cancer was controlled by stratification. Post stratification chi-square was applied for qualitative variables and t-test for quantitative outcome variables.
In our study the mean age of the patients was 56.90±11.38 years, most of the 92(32.86%) females had five parity. In this study the mean duration of cancer 12.87±5.77 months. Most of 134(47.86%) patients appeared with ovarian cancer.
In our study 39(13.93%) patients had cervical cancer, 101(36.07%) patients had endometrial cancer, 134(47.86%) patients had ovarian cancer and only 6(2.14%) patients had vulvar cancer.
The mean value of EORTCQLQ score of the patients was 58.86±15.13. Statistically there is highly significant difference was observed between the EORTCQLQ score and type of cancer of the patients i.e. p-value=0.000.
According to our study the most frequent (47.86%) cancer was ovarian cancer, and the 2nd most frequent cancer was endometrial (36.07%), Statistically EORTCQLQ score is highly significant with type of cancer in our finding.
Gynecological Cancer, Cervical, Endometrial, Ovarian, Vulvar, Endometrial, EORTC-QLQ score