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Exploring Innovative Host-Virus Interaction Targeting in Hepatitis C Treatment: A Roadmap for Novel Antiviral Therapeutic Strategies


1Dr. Mirza Ameer Faizan Ali, 2Kashif Lodhi

1Assistant Professor, Pathology Department, Al-Aleem Medical College, Gulab Devi Teaching Hospital, Lahore.
2Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences. Università Politécnica delle Marche Via Brecce Bianche 10, 60131 Ancona (AN) Italy

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection poses a significant global health burden, necessitating continuous advancements in antiviral therapeutic strategies. Traditional treatments have exhibited limitations, emphasizing the urgent need for innovative approaches. Host-virus interactions offer a promising avenue for novel therapeutic interventions.
Aim: This study aimed to explore innovative approaches targeting host-virus interactions in Hepatitis C treatment, with the goal of devising a roadmap for the development of novel antiviral therapeutic strategies.
Methods: A comprehensive review of literature was conducted to identify key host-virus interactions implicated in HCV infection. Various in vitro and in vivo models were employed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these interactions. Additionally, cutting-edge technologies such as high-throughput screening and computational modeling were utilized to identify potential therapeutic targets.
Results: The investigation revealed several critical host-virus interactions involved in HCV infection, including viral entry, replication, and immune evasion mechanisms. Furthermore, the study identified specific host factors and pathways that could be targeted to disrupt these interactions and inhibit viral propagation. Innovative therapeutic strategies, such as host-directed antiviral agents and immunomodulatory approaches, emerged as promising avenues for further exploration.
Conclusion: Exploration of host-virus interactions provides valuable insights into the development of novel antiviral therapeutic strategies for Hepatitis C treatment. By targeting key host factors and pathways, it is possible to disrupt viral replication and enhance the host immune response, leading to more effective treatment outcomes. This study lays the groundwork for future research aimed at translating these findings into clinically relevant interventions, ultimately improving patient outcomes in the management of Hepatitis C.
Keywords: Hepatitis C, Host-virus interactions, Antiviral therapy, Therapeutic strategies, Innovative approaches.

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