Background: Although the fit-for-purpose approach has been proposed for biomarker assay validation, practical data should be compiled to facilitate the predetermination of acceptance criteria. Methods: Immunoaffinity LC–MS was used to analyze glucagon-like peptide-1 as a model biomarker in six laboratories. Calibration curve, carryover, parallelism, precision, relative accuracy and processed sample stability were evaluated, and their robustness among laboratories was assessed. The rat glucagon-like peptide-1 concentrations in four blinded samples were also compared. Results: The obtained results and determined concentrations in the blinded samples at all laboratories were similar, with a few exceptions, and robust, despite the difference in optimization techniques among laboratories. Conclusion: The results provide insights into the predefinition of the acceptance criteria of immunoaffinity LC–MS-based biomarker assays.
- biomarker assay
- fit-for-purpose
- glucagon-like peptide-1
- immunoaffinity LC–MS
- multilaboratory evaluation