Background: Mixtures of gabapentin, tramadol and/or amitriptyline are usually recommended for treatment of neuropathic pain. Materials & methods/results: A novel GC–MS/MS method was developed to assess the studied mixture whether in pure forms or human biological fluids (plasma/urine). The chromatographic detection was performed using MS detector applying the selected ion-monitoring mode. An (Agilent, CA, USA) GC–MS with triple axis single quadrupole detector unit was used for the analysis equipped with HP-5MS (5% phenyl methyl siloxane) column. Helium was the carrier gas and positive electron impact ionization mode was applied. Conclusion: The developed method was able to assess the mixture components simultaneously within six minutes. Validation of the method was assured according to US FDA guidelines and Eco-Scale assessment.
- amitriptyline
- gabapentin
- selected ion monitoring mode
- tramadol