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This paper shares experiences and learning from introducing patient-centric sampling (PCS) into AstraZeneca trials. Through two case studies we show how modeling approaches can assist pharmacokinetic (PK) bridging studies accounting for blood partitioning and hematocrit and how reduced PK sampling schedules, profiles constructed from composite data (plasma & dry blood) and combined assays (PK & pharmacodynamic) can all reduce patient sampling burden without impacting study outcomes. Following sharing some clinical operational challenges, we finally highlight some key requirements for implementing a patient-centric sampling strategy such as collaborative working across organizational silos, continuous patient engagement throughout the study life cycle and accepting that if the aim is to give patient choice, then one solution (device, procedure and design) will not fit all.


  • bridging
  • clinical operations
  • dried blood spot
  • home sampling
  • patient-centric sampling
  • pharmacodynamic
  • pharmacokinetic
  • volumetric absorptive microsampling
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