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As part of the European Bioanalysis Forum mission to provide development opportunities for scientists, a Young Scientist Symposium has been organized every year since 2014. The meetings, organized by and for young scientists, aim at immersing talent from industry and academia in the scientific and process challenges important for their (future) professional environment. In an ideal world, the setting of an interactive symposium in stimulating auditorium sets the foundation for long lasting peer scientific relationship. This year, a pandemic has descended across all continents, changing the dynamics of the meeting. This manuscript summarizes the discussions at the Sixth EBF Young Scientist Symposium, originally planned as a face-to face event in March 2020 in Bologna, Italy but finally executed as a hybrid meeting in Cyberspace and on location in a few regions across Europe between 24–25 September 2020.


  • ADA
  • biomarker
  • European Bioanalysis Forum
  • LC–MS
  • nonstandard matrix
  • protein
  • sustainability
  • young scientists
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