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The lack of data regarding infant exposure to drugs of abuse consumed by lactating mothers has become a major health concern. Investigating psychoactive substances and their metabolites in breastmilk is an analytical approach to estimate the rate at which drugs of abuse are excreted and how much infants are exposed to them. In this study, we have developed and validated a GC–MS method using disposable pipette tips for simultaneously extracting ten analytes from breastmilk samples obtained from a milk bank in the city of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. All the 67 analyzed samples tested negative for all the analytes. This is the first study that has applied disposable pipette extraction to analyze drugs of abuse in breastmilk samples.

Plain language summary

Breastfeeding, the most effective single strategy to reduce child mortality, provides numerous benefits for both the mother and the infant. The mother’s consumption habits during breastfeeding strongly influence breastmilk quality and the newborn’s nutrition. Given that drugs of abuse negatively affect both the mother’s and the infant’s health, analyzing breastmilk samples helps to estimate infant exposure to these drugs and to evaluate how severe this public health issue is. We have developed a new method to monitor ten substances in breastmilk, to improve our understanding of this issue in Brazil. None of the substances were detected in the few samples obtained from a milk bank, which showed that this organization successfully analyzes the donor’s profile and conducts effective anamnesis. Future analysis of a larger number of samples and hence more data could help to describe the current scenario in more detail.

We have developed a new method for monitoring ten substances in breastmilk samples, to understand the use of drugs of abuse by breastfeeding mothers and infant exposure to these drugs in Brazil.


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