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Approximately 280 people from pharmaceutical industries, contractors, academic institutions and regulatory authorities attended the 13th Japan Bioanalysis Forum Symposium. The symposium was held via web to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from the 28 February to 2 March 2022. The theme of the symposium was ‘All for One Goal’, and the event has provided an opportunity for open discussion among researchers with different backgrounds but who share a common goal: “to deliver more effective and safe pharmaceuticals to patients as quickly as possible”. The speakers focused on hot topics in bioanalysis, including chromatography, biomarker analysis, cell and gene therapy, COVID-19 and antidrug antibody. This symposium provided a great opportunity for the participants to have meaningful discussions, even though ‘on the web’ was a limited space.


  • antidrug antibody
  • bioanalysis
  • biomarker
  • cell therapy
  • chromatography
  • COVID-19
  • gene therapy
  • ligand-binding assay
  • LC-MS/MS
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