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Background: Crovalimab is a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting human complement C5. Patients switching from eculizumab to crovalimab are expected to form drug-target-drug complexes (DTDCs), since these antibodies each bind to a different epitope on complement C5. An analytical method to evaluate the size distribution of these DTDCs was developed and validated. Methods: Human serum samples were separated by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) into eight fractions, and the concentration of crovalimab in each fraction was measured by ELISA. We evaluated SEC, ELISA and the combination of both methods (SEC-ELISA). Results: Predetermined validation acceptance criteria were met. Conclusion: The DTDC assay method was successfully validated. It enables us to evaluate the impact of DTDCs on clinical outcomes.


  • chromatography
  • complexes
  • drug
  • large molecule
  • LBA
  • SEC
  • target
  • validation