Background: Currently, no regulatory guidelines are available for parallelism assessment for LC-MS biomarker quantification. Spike recovery, standard addition and dilutional linearity are recommended with no mention of the implications of applying these approaches. Results: Here, using human urine creatinine, the authors compared spike recovery and standard addition in LC-MS biomarker quantification, and evaluated a new hybrid approach: parallelism QCs. The authors drew different conclusions based on which approach was used (<15% cutoff). Conclusion: Current recommended approaches may lead to different conclusions and are not equivalent and interchangeable. The authors recommend that standard addition should be the universal ‘go-to’ method for LC-MS biomarker parallelism assessment; parallelism QCs, which consider the total concentration as the theoretical value, can be used if the authentic matrix is limited.
- biomarker
- creatinine
- endogenous compound
- human urine
- method validation
- parallelism
- parallelism QCs
- quantification